
Toddlers learn best in safe, loving places where they can explore, in their own way.

the toddler room at Cherry Tree Nursery

Cherry Tree Nurseries 2-3 room has direct free flow access to their garden, this offers regular access to outdoor learning and lots of fun.  At Cherry Tree, we pride ourselves on being a child led setting, allowing the children to think for themselves, creating independent learners.  This approach helps our children develop confidence and understand consequence.  We understand the importance of risky play in a toddler’s life, this is something we do very well at Cherry Tree, it is carried out in a safe and secure way, all the time your child is learning and having lots of fun.

If you’re ready for more info, we’d love for you to come visit us

Individualised care

Our toddler program includes:


Toddler program

The 2-3 room is designed to accommodate all children’s needs.  There is space for sleeping, a separate nappy changing room and free flow access to the garden.  The garden is safe and secure where children are free to take part in risky play and develop their individuality.  

The 2-3 room helps develop your child’s independence for future learning in the 3-5 room.  All children are supported by amazing highly qualified staff that are excited to meet your child.

Signature practices

Our Nursery Setting at Cherry Tree Nursery is an Inclusive, safe, and nurturing environment, where practitioners are trained to the highest level. All of our children are treated as individual and helped develop at their own pace.


we meet kids where they are.